Event Info

Reunion Location
Point Pleasant Beach
Friday, September 24, 2010, 8pm - 12am
Saturday, September 25, 2010, 12pm - 4pm


The Clifton High School Class of 1980 "Reunion" will be held in Point Pleasant Beach, NJ for a seaside themed get together of friends in September of 2010. There will be 2 events that everyone can enjoy, individually or together, for a great reunion experience. Martell's in Point Pleasant Beach, NJ will welcome Clifton on Friday, September 24, 2010 at 8 pm with a cocktail party, food and full open bar until midnight. Saturday, September 25, 2010 from noon until 4 pm the fun continues with an Ultimate BBQ at Jenkinson's Inlet with food, beer, wine and soda.

The total for BOTH events is $120 per person, or $60 per event if you able to only attend one day. Guests and Clifton alum are welcome!

Please send your check, payable to, Linda Sorbera. We kindly ask you write CHS 1980 Reunion in the memo line, and if you are attending only one event, note which one you wish to attend.

Payment can be mailed:
CHS, Class of 1980, Reunion
PO Box 588
Clifton, NJ 07012

If you have any further questions please contact any of the organizing committee members at:

"Linda Sorbera-Hopkins" linda.sorbera@mrmworldwide.com
"Denise Matarante (Iannascola)" denjmat@aol.com
"Maria Perry (Joyce)" smperry5@aol.com
"Pam Smith (Capizzi)" psmith469@comcast.net

You can also find and interact with other interested attendees on Facebook at:

Friday - Paid Attendees

Abdellatif-Kirtis, Robin
Allessi-Kosturko, Susan
Amato, Steve
Bakker-Appaluccio, Sue
Baran-Schuller, Lenore
Behan-Lavin, Maria
Blanco-Volpe, Diane
Bross-Ives, Lynn & Willard
Brown-Leitch, Kelly
Calendrillo-Costa, Francine & Doug Salmons
Capizzi-Smith, Pam
Casper, Robin
Cherawaty-Targarona, Diane
Ciolino-Acree, Melissa
Collins-DeStefano, JoAnne
Collins-Martorana, Mary & Guest
Cook-Spuma, Pattie & Ray
Cuzzi, Larry
D'Arpa-Dabal Michele & Greg
DeLorenzo-Kipilla, Dina & Guest
Denby-Amato, Judy
Drelich, George & Elizabeth
Dul-Spalding, Lauren & Peter
Fusaro, Darrell
Glavan, Zoran
Gober-Sampl, Susan
Goldstein, Marc
Grazioso-Azzarello, Carolee
Gut-Kramer, Elaine
Hasacorzian, Gail
Held, Mark
Hayes, Jim
Hole, Bob
Iannascola-Matarante, Denise
Joyce-Perry, Maria
Kalinka, Ted
Kearney, Kevin & Christine
Kits-Konvit, Barbara & Billy
Klikier-DeStefano, Janet
Kosenko-Billard, Kathy
Kramer, Stuart
Krenicki, John & Donna
Lancaster, Bernadette
Leeshock, Robert
Lynn, Joe & Guest
Mandragona, Enrico
Martone-Baglione, Donna
Nagy, Ingrid
Nazimek, Joe
Perry, Scott
Przybylski-Mitchell, Maggie & Glenn
Ramundo, Susan
Rachko-Mizerek, Beth Ann & Guest
Reynolds, Ray & Karen
Russo, Tom & Deb
Salek-Camp, Jean & David
Schwiederek-Lager, Carrie
Shanley-Lapoff, Kathy
Sinisi, Danny
Sleker, Dan & Crystal
Sorbera-Hopkins, Linda & Sean
Stephan, Eric & Guest
St Laurent, Leon
Strunk-Matano, Gail & Guest
Taylor, John & Kelly
Van Beirt, Keith
Warcholik, Gary & Guest
Whalen-Molter, Laura
Ziemkiewicz, Bonnie